Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Robert Pattinson's Next Role: Fashion Designer?

Ya know, like paparazzi always pestering them for pics, millions of eligible babes just ready to throw themselves at the big screen vamps and the fact that they're both über-famous for playing sexy fangers, of course. But it looks like their true bond may be over...


Or so says Kellan.

We chatted with the actor-turned-fashionisto at last night's WWE SummerSlam Party and eventually talk turned to his new line, The Abbot + Main. So can we expect to see his costar Robby rockin' the designer duds?

"Rob and I were talking about doing a clothing line together!" Kellan surprised reporters by revealing.
Come again, Lutzy? It's hard for us to imagine R.Pattz spending his type putting together his fall line.

"He didn't know I was doing mine," Kellan explained before reenacting this convo (complete with a fake R.Pattz's accent, of course): "He's like ‘I should do one' and I'm like ‘Oh'. And he found out I was doing one and he's like ‘Really?' It was really funny. He wants to do one too."

But while former model Kellan went all Venice Beach chic for his collection, what would Rob's be like?

Kellan jokes, "What'd we call it, we called it ‘Rags by Rob' or something, because he's always so like, I don't know...hipster."

Well we already know he'd have at least two customers, GF Kristen Stewart and BFF Tom Sturridge, who've both beenknown to borrow Rob's clothes in the past.

Oh, and if you want to know whether Kellan thinks his clothing line contradicts with his tough guy image, he says heck no.

"I think a strong masculine guy can have soft qualities as well," Kellan told reporters. "My line, it's not the girlie-girl line. It's a comfortable line and that's how I live my life. I want to be comfortable. I can still be tough."

Well, we say kudos. We love your soft side, Kellan!

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